4 Reasons Leaders Need To Slow Down

Do you feel like you never have enough time? By the time you solve one business problem, another issue raises its ugly head. You never have enough time to slow down.

You may feel like you have to run around like the Flash from the Justice League. Rushing from one emergency to the other. Always taking on more and having less time to slow down.

Red and blue lines creating image blur

Photo by Fabio Ballasina

Slowing down may make you feel like a sloth. Just trudging along and never getting anywhere. You may believe slowing down will hinder your ability to lead. But that’s what I want to encourage you to do today. I want you to take a moment, take a deep breath, and slow down.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From It’s A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

A Reel Leadership Article

As I typed out the title for the latest Reel Leadership article, I couldn’t help but want to sing the song It’s a Beautiful Day in This Neighborhood. The title of A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood brings back all sorts of memories.

Yet, A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood won’t tell you the story you were expecting. At least it didn’t for me.

Mr. Rogers tossing his loafer from one hand to another

Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers

I was expecting this movie to be about Mr. Fred Rogers (Tom Hanks), his life, and Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. In A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood, you get to see people from Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood. These include Mr. McFeely (Daniel Krell), president and CEO of The Fred Rogers Company Bill Isler (Enrico Colantoni), and producer Margy (Carmen Cusack). But these people aren’t the main focus.

Should You Always Take The More Productive Path?

What’s a struggle you face frequently? One struggle I face is taking the path of least resistance. The path that will get me to my goal quicker.

The more productive path… Or so I want to call it.

But should I, or you, always take the more productive path? Is it really what we need to be doing?

Or is there a better way?

My Thoughts

Leaders always want to find newer and better ways to accomplish tasks. If we’re able to reduce the amount of time a task takes, we should do it in the, supposedly, more productive way.

This is what we’ve always been told.

Finding the quicker ways to finish a project means we can fit more in our day. We can train more people. We can lead from different vantage points.

Slow Down. You’re Missing Life

We all know being busy isn’t the same as being productive. It’s a lie that’s damaged many great leaders.

There’s another lie many leaders face. It’s the lie that they don’t have enough time to spend with those that matter the most.

That’s a lie from the pit of hell, if you ask me.

We need to be willing to slow down. We’re missing life when we’re going here, there, and everywhere while ignoring the most important parts of life.

Over the past couple of months I’ve realized that my life has been on autopilot going a million miles an hour in directions that I’m not controlling. It’s left me feeling dazed and confused.

Life happened and it’s gotten the best of me.