Why Good Leaders Speak Up

The Speak Up! Series

Have you ever been in a situation where a bad leader spoke up? He shared a vision isolated to himself. Or he chose to single out one employee and berate him.

Bad leaders tend to speak up when something is wrong. They focus on what isn’t working and choose to talk down to those they’re leading.

Black and silver corded microphone

This is damaging. The organization hurts from the lack of good leadership. The team members hurt because of the hurtful words spewed from the mouth of the bad leader.

Then there’s the void left with the lack of a good leader nearby. Or, worse yet, maybe the good leader sits by idly and fails to speak up.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Shazam!

A Reel Leadership Article

A month after the first Captain Marvel movie released, a second Captain Marvel movie released. You might not have realized this as the movie did not release under the Captain Marvel name. Instead, DC Comics released the movie as Shazam!

That’s right! Shazam was originally called Captain Marvel in 1939 under the Whiz Comics series published by Fawcett Comics. Over time, Captain Marvel transitioned to the name he is known by now, Shazam.

Zachary Levi as DC Comics character Shazam!

Enough with the history of Shazam. You may be wondering what the movie Shazam! is about. Well, let’s discuss that before we get into the leadership lessons from Shazam!

Shazam! tells the story of a young Billy Batson (Asher Angel) who became lost as a child. He bounces from foster home to foster home until he lands in the foster home of Victor (Cooper Andrews) and Rosa (Marta Milans) Vasquez.

4 Simple Ways To Grow Your Influence As A Leader

The most powerful leaders have an advantage over other leaders. These leaders know influence is power. And they know how to grow their influence.

The tactics these powerful leaders use aren’t very difficult to master. In fact, the steps to grow your influence are very simple.

Simple ways to become influential

Image by Sean MacEntee

I think anyone who’s been leading for any time has heard the classic John Maxwell quote:

Leadership is influence

Maxwell broke down leadership and put it into the simplest terms possible.

So why do so many leaders eschew the principle that leadership is influence? Rather, there’s many leaders who go for the leadership is power viewpoint. These leaders try to lead with an iron fist.

Leading this way often backfires and you see these power-hungry leaders quickly fade away.

Help Your Team To Understand

When you’re in a position of leadership, you know there are actions happening behind the scenes. The rest of your team is oblivious to these happenings.

Unfortunately, when they’re happening in secret, your team doesn’t understand the reasons you’re making the choices you’re making.

This may lead to you being viewed as a bad leader. What you need to do is to help your team to understand what’s happening.

In a recent post about bad leadership, I mentioned a couple of things you may be doing that causes your team to think you’re leading poorly. This post is a great example of why you need to help your team understand the inner workings of the business.

You don’t have to go into the deep details but you should at least explain a few key points of the business to your team. This can prevent a lot of grief and agony.