Leadership Lessons And Quotes From Die Hard

A Reel Leadership Christmas Throwback Article

I usually start the Christmas season off by watching my favorite Christmas movie on Black Friday or that Saturday. This year, I postponed it but was able to get around to watching what I consider to be one of the best Christmas movies out there.

If you haven’t guessed, my favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard. Die Hard is the film adaption of the Roderick Thorp novel Nothing Lasts Forever. Die Hard tells the story of the New York cop John McClane (Bruce Willis). John flies to Las Angeles to attend a Christmas party with his estranged wife Holly Gennaro McClane (Bonnie Bedelia) in the extravagant Nakatomi Plaza.

Leadership lessons in Die Hard

Things quickly go from good to bad to worse as John and Holly’s conversation becomes unproductive and terrorists storm the Plaza.

Die Hard is filled with action and violence. There’s a lot of foul language (it’s bad but the movie is SOOOO good). And plenty of leadership lessons in Die Hard.

5 Bible Verses That Should Scare Leaders

The Bible is a wealth of leadership wisdom. There are scripture verses that encourage leaders.

There are also Bible verses that should scare leaders.

These scary Bible verses are rarely talked about. They’re kept under wraps and ignored by most.

I’ve even swept the troublesome Bible verses under the run and shared encouraging Bible verses for leaders with you, my readers.

This is a mistake. The Bible has clear warnings for leaders. If we ignore these challenging Bible verses, we are in deep trouble.

Today, I want to pull back the veil and share the Bible verses that should make leaders nervous. Are you ready for this?

1. Acts 20:28

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.