Leadership Lessons From Running A Half Marathon At 3AM

Why I Ran A Half Marathon At 3AM

Many months ago, my pastor came up with a crazy idea: Let’s run a half marathon! (For those of you who don’t know, a half marathon is 13.1 miles. That’s a long distance to go by foot.) That sounds crazy enough on its own. The next thing he said was: at 3 AM.

Wait… What? Did I just hear Pastor Ben right? He wants me to run a half marathon early in the morning? Well, he had. And I tentatively agreed.

half marathon leadership lessons

There was no firm commitment on my part. I think I said: I think I could do that.

Over the next couple of months, we did a couple of preparation runs. We started out at a 6 or 7 miler. Our last run together was 10 miles. That was two weeks before the half marathon.

I was cautious. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to accomplish the whole distance.

Why It’s Important To Get Rest As A Leader

I’m droggy. I’m congested. And I’m lacking sleep.

I feel like I’ve been in this state forever. But it’s only been a day.

You ever been there? If you’re like most leaders, you have.

Leaders Lack Sleep

In a Gallop study, research shows that, on average, 40% of the US get less than the recommended amount of sleep. That’s a lot of people.

You’re probably one of them. I know I am.

With 40% of the US not getting enough sleep, we can bring that number over to leaders. There’s a good likelihood that 40% of leaders don’t get enough sleep either.

The number is large. This means the problem is large.

When leaders lack sleep, bad decisions are made.

The Importance Of Sleep To A Leader

Lack of sleep carries with it a number of problems. Research bears this out.