5 Ways To Team Build

Motivating Your Team

You know how to motivate your team now. We’ve talked plenty about that over the last month.

But what does it take to build a strong, cohesive team? You have the groundwork laid. And it’s a firm foundation.

People running in a field, team building

Photo by Jed Villejo

Yet you will have to do more if you want to team build. Let’s look at what it will take.

5 Ways To Team Build

1. Host get-togethers outside of the office:

A team that plays together stays together. At my newest organization, we’re doing something called Team Bolding. It’s a play on the words Team Building and our company name.

There’s been a couple of activities that really made people talk. A visit to the local trampoline park. Hanging out at the local Parties In The Park. And more.

Getting your team members to associate outside of work is a great way to build the morale and camaraderie of your team.

Why You Need To Motivate Your Staff

A big mistake many leaders make is assuming their team doesn’t need to be motivated. That their team can come in ready to work because they’re being paid.

That’s a fair assumption… If our teams were robots. Robots don’t need to be motivated. All they need is a simple input into their system and away they go. They’ll labor away for hours.

Your staff needs motivation, you can give it

Photo by Liam Simpson

But humans are a different story. Humans, our team members, can’t mindlessly drone on through their jobs. Many times, they will need to be motivated.

Why You Need To Motivate Your Staff

Do you remember the last time you came into the office and you felt your fuel tank was empty? You probably have this feeling more often than you’d like to admit. But there are plenty of days when you lack the motivation to get work done.

How To Train Your Team To Look Forward

A  major roadblock in many organizations is motivating your team to look forward. It’s not because the team isn’t smart. They’re probably a world-class team.

Help your team to look forward

Photo by Anna Utochkina

However, there are issues in motivating them and training your team to look forward. To get them to look forward, we have to look at the root reasons they struggle with this skill.

Why Teams Fail To Look Forward

The reasons teams fail to look forward is plentiful. There are many excuses you’ll hear during your attempts at training forward-thinking in your organization.

  • We’ve never done this before.
  • No one has any experience with launching new projects.
  • We’ve failed before and don’t want to fail again.
  • There’s no time to add something more to our plates.
  • YOU (Yes, you the leader) haven’t allowed us to dream big.

10 Ways To Demotivate Your Team

Motivating Your Team

You’ve done everything right in trying to motivate your team yet something is still off. Your team still lacks motivation and you’re not sure why.

The lack of motivation for your team may actually be coming from you. Gasp, shock, horror… I know.

stop demotivating your team

Photo by Eric Ward

Yet if the team you’re leading lacks motivation and the reason is you, there’s good news. You can make changes once you realize what you’re doing.

We’re going to take a look at 10 ways leaders demotivate their team. With this knowledge, you can begin to make changes that will revolutionize your organization.

10 Ways To Demotivate Your Team

1. Micromanage everything:

You’ve told your team you trust them. You’ve encouraged them to take charge. And then you grab the reigns and micromanage every aspect of their position.

To Motivate Others, You Must Do This

Motivating Your Team

Do you really want your team to become more motivated? Do you want them to have enthusiasm and joy when they come to work?

Motivated man jumping

Photo by Andre Hunter

Well, if you do, you’ve got some work to do as well! Having a motivated team isn’t about the team being motivated. This work goes deeper than that.

Let’s Motivate!

You know having a motivated team will make for a more productive organization. Motivated people are energized and ready to do work. They know their job and they’re ready to do it.

You can motivate your team through many different methods. From rewarding them for a job well done to helping them grow in their knowledge, motivation takes all different forms.

But you play a more crucial role in motivating your team than you may realize. You’re a key part of team motivation.