4 Ways We Can Follow Jesus’ Example In Leadership

If you ask me, Jesus’ example is one every leader should follow. What makes Jesus such a great example of leadership?

He’s the ultimate leader. His example is one we should all follow but will always fall short of.

In this post, we’re going to look at Jesus’ example and how it relates to our leadership.

4 Ways We Can Follow Jesus’ Example In Leadership

1. Jesus had a mission and vision. You need one too:

When Adam sinned in the Garden Of Eden, the world changed. No longer was there peace on earth. Instead, sin entered the world, and the world fell.

Jesus came for a reason. He had a mission of redeeming the world through his sacrifice. He knew what He had to do. And he did it. Jesus stayed on mission during his time on this planet.

5 Ways To Show Love To Your Employees

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. It’s the day of looooooove. It’s not a day that many in the workplace think about in ways that impact their employees.

I want to change that. I believe love is a strong sign of outstanding leadership.

When people feel cared for and loved, they stick around. I believe more leaders need to love their employees in appropriate ways.

Two women at a table, working, talking and laughing together

Photo by Surface on Unsplash

When you love your employees, it changes things. Joel Manby, the author of Love Works, says” “Leading with love grows the bottom line and respects employees, demands accountability, and gives second chances. In short, it’s a powerful way to transform the way you lead and the culture of your organization.”

So, how do you lead with love and show employees you love them? You do the following five things.

Making The Tough Calls

I recently had to make a really tough call. One I had put off for longer than I should have. But making the call had to be done.

One of my favorite online mentors mentioned a man’s name I knew. A man I had once been friends with. I consider this mentor to be a great man of integrity.

Distraught woman laying next to couch holding a rotary phone

Photo by Anthony Tran

When I heard him mention my former friend’s name, I knew I had to reach out to my mentor. To make a tough call.

The man my mentor mentioned could be considered a success in the world’s eyes. He’s built up an online business that brings home a nice chunk of change. That’s awesome. I’m actually happy for my former friend that he’s reached monetary or worldly success.

What Valentine’s Day Can Teach Us About Leadership

Let me be up-front. I’m not a very romantic guy. You can ask my wife… She’ll tell you that I’m not. I’m okay with that.

When I asked, okay, told her, we were getting married it was while we were sitting on a couch talking. I randomly brought up the notion of marriage. When she said she supposed we were going to get married one day, I told her to pick a date of arbitrary dates in December. That’s how our unofficial proposal went.

What can Valentine's Day teach us about leadership?

Image by Joe Cavazos

I think I made it up to her when I took her to a local horse ranch for a sleigh ride. The coachman of the sleigh ride got off of the sleigh, asked if we’d like to have our picture taken (I’d of course forgotten to bring a camera!), and said he’d go check up ahead for any issues with the trail. As he walks away, my wife begins to worry the frail, old man would have trouble and fall into a hole.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Paul: Apostle Of Christ Movie

I recently was invited to an advance screening of the new Christian movie Paul: Apostle Of Christ. Paul: Apostle Of Christ shares the last days of Paul as he and Luke spend time together in Mamertine Prison and Luke writes down Paul’s story.

Jim Caviezel as Luke the Physician In Paul Apostle Of Christ Leadership Lessons

Paul: Apostle Of Christ is a moving story for any Christian and could be a powerful tool to introduce others to Christ and His love for them. I highly recommend you check out this great new Christian movie.

Not only will you find faith and hope in Paul: Apostle Of Christ, you will take away many leadership lessons from Paul: Apostle Of Christ.

Caution: Paul: Apostle Of Christ spoilers below.


Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Paul: Apostle Of Christ

1. Bad leaders place blame on the wrong people:

Paul: Apostle Of Christ takes place around 67 A.D. At this time, Rome was set ablaze.