Quotes And Leadership Lessons From One Life

A Reel Leadership Article

My latest book, Reel Leadership, is now available on Amazon. If you love movies and leadership, you will love this book.

Take a step back in time with the new movie One Life. One Life tells the story of Nicholas “Nicky” Winton (old – Anthony Hopkins, young – Johnny Flynn). Nicky was a young London broker who saw the horrors of the coming war. Nicky became a savior to hundreds of Jewish children. He helped shuttle them by train from Prague, Czechoslovakia to the United Kingdom where foster families were waiting for them and avoid the coming Jewish Holocaust.

It is a harrowing story brought to the public’s knowledge when the BBC show That’s Life had Nicky attend an airing. During the airing, he discovered the woman sitting next to him was one of the women he helped save. They brought him back for another show. This time… every audience member was a child he’d helped rescue.

5 Examples Of Leaders From The Bible

When I think of great leaders, I think of the myriad of leaders in the Bible. You can’t get away from the fact that while the people highlighted in the Bible were flawed, many of them were examples of great leadership.

People like Moses, King David, Abraham, Esther, and more… These people had their issues (just like you and me), but they also had the makings of great leaders.

I want to focus on some of the great people in the Bible and what their example can be for us today as leaders.

5 Examples Of Leaders From The Bible


Women were overlooked for far too long in the church and leadership sphere. Yet, the Bible is clear that many of the women in the Bible were leaders.

Take Deborah, for example.

10 Qualities Of An Effective Leader

Leading is made even more difficult when you don’t know the qualities of a good or effective leader. You’ll wander through the leadership landscape wondering what you’re supposed to do next.

We all know that’s no good! 

Sure, learning by trial and error is what many of us do, but it’s not the most effective way to lead. To lead effectively, we have to have a baseline of what effective leadership looks like.

That’s why you came to this article. You wanted to know how to be an effective leader. In this article, I will share with you 10 qualities of an effective leader. You can begin implementing these qualities into your leadership style today!

10 Qualities Of An Effective Leader

1. Humility:

The best leaders I’ve met have also been the most humble people. They know they’re good but they don’t have to brag, talk down to, or one-up others. 

4 Qualities Every Leader Must Possess To Be Successful

Ask a random person walking down the street what quality must a leader possess to be successful and you’ll probably get a different answer from each person. Everyone views leadership in a different light.

And how someone views leadership will mold the way they see the answer to the question.

However, there are qualities every leader must most. Especially if they want to be successful.

Do you have these leadership qualities?

So, what traits do those leading organizations need? Let’s look at the following 4 qualities.

4 Qualities Every Leader Must Possess

1. Integrity:

You’ve heard of Enron. They were a company that looked great on paper. Enron was viewed as a success by various business journals and peers.

However, Enron’s success came crashing down once the world learned there was a lack of integrity within the organization.

The Qualities I Admire Most In Other Leaders

Even the best leaders know that they have to follow someone else. Whether that’s the company CEO, shareholders, the church board of directors, or some other person in leadership, we ALL answer to other leaders.

That’s why I love looking at the leaders I enjoy reading and following. Being able to reflect on the reasons I admire these leaders opens my eyes to the qualities of great leadership.

what qualities do you look for in a leader?

When you find a leader worth following, I suggest you latch onto that person. Their leadership qualities can begin to rub off on you.

Examine their lives. See what makes them special. Then emulate those qualities that make them worth following.

Today, I want to look at the lives of a couple of leaders I believe are worth following.