The Three Branches of Leadership: How Great Organizations Lead from the Past, Present, and Future.

For over 200 years, the United States Constitution has been the litmus test of liberty in our country. It has helped “We the People” remain free in a world that can quickly devolve into tyranny. Our forefathers, the writers of this document, tried to put as many protocols in place to balance the leadership of the United States. They saw the dangers of giving one person, or even one body, all the power, so they in turn created three separate but equal branches of government – the legislative, executive, and judicial branches.

Do You Know How Great Organizations Lead from the Past, Present, and Future.

Just like our very own country, most organizations need a balance of power. This isn’t just true in the structure of an organization, but also with the strengths of each individual leader in it. Try working for an organization where no leader is gifted in administration skills, and you will quickly see why balance is needed for success.