Your Work Matters

There are days when we’ll feel down and out about the work we’re doing. Maybe it’s feeling you’re ineffective. Your influence isn’t growing. Or no one is listening.

I know there’s days I feel like this. To be honest, it can feel like a losing battle. But I have a great message for you today.

Your work matters.

Spalsh of water

Image by Flavio

Really, it does. More than you’ll ever realize.

Through your leadership and work, you’re touching people others will never be able to reach. I can’t touch everyone. Neither can you.

Yet you can reach the people around you. And that matters.

Work That Mattered To Me

I recently had the pleasure of chatting with Jeff Jones, the former drummer of Big Daddy Weave. He was able to share some of the great things he’s moving onto. To be honest, I’m excited for him and encourage you to check out what he’s doing.