The Three Greatest Investments A Leader Can Make

Making money has always fascinated me. Even as I child, I would look for ways to earn extra money. It’s something that has caught my attention and never lost it.

Whether it was looking for ways to increase the number of customers I had on my paper route or how to invest in penny stocks and eventually big-boy stocks, making money has been on my mind. That’s not a bad thing. It’s also not a good thing either.

Stock market graph on a laptop

Photo by MBM

While I always desired to make more money, I never knew there were areas of my life I should be investing in that would show a greater return than the stock market or a business idea. Did you miss this as well?

As I’ve aged, I’ve begun to look at the areas of my life that have shown the greatest return for the investment I’ve placed into it. I noticed there were 3 areas my investments really paid off.

10 Ways To Motivate Your Team

Motivating your team

The struggle in motivating your team is that there are so many different ways to motivate them. Every person on your team is unique. Each one has a unique way they are motivated.

The challenge for you is to discover how your team members are motivated. But once you discover what motivates others, you will be onto something.

Learn how to motivate your team

Photo by Elena De Soto

While everyone is unique in what motivates them, there are common themes you will find as you try to motivate others. Below, you will see 10 ways to motivate your team.

10 Ways To Motivate Your Team

1. Motivate with monetary rewards:

You will often hear money isn’t the main factor in people enjoying their work or being motivated. I will tell you this is true. However, you can’t discount the motivation a monetary reward will bring.

4 Ways Complacency Will Damage Your Organization

Every leader wants to see their organizations become successful. There’s a problem that comes along with success:


That’s when you reach a level of self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. You no longer feel that urgent need to be on top of things.

Don't let complacency kill your organization

This is a scary place to be. You’re satisfied with where you are. You no longer pay attention to the dangers surrounding you. You’re vulnerable and don’t even know it.

How do I know this? Because I was there. Recently in fact.

One of my responsibilities is to maintain our system network and it’s backups. I’d checked and rechecked our system backups. They were good.

Then I stopped checking. That’s when things got bad. A perfect storm hit.

First, I was told we may have been infected with a virus. I checked and confirmed this. We were hit with the Locky ransomware.

Are You Investing In Yourself?

While I’ve always loved learning, I’ve often failed to invest in myself. This lack of investment in myself is sad, looking back on it.

There are so many missed opportunities to grow. I dismissed the mentions of conferences as silly. I threw away audio recordings that were meant for growth.

I sucked as a young leader.

To improve, one must invest

Why I Didn’t Invest In Myself

Growing up, I never felt adequate. I always felt others were better than me.

I also believed that what I thought didn’t matter.

This stunted my growth for many years. This limiting mindset held me back as I struggled to grow.

I didn’t invest in myself because I didn’t think I was worth it.

Looking back, I want to kick myself. I wasted so much time, energy, and money chasing after things that didn’t help me.

How Are You Investing In The Next Generation Of Leaders?

The vision of a leader is important. Our vision guides us and creates a sense of direction. Once we’ve established this, we’ve got to move on.

Move on to investing in the next generation of leaders. They’re the ones coming up behind you. Ready to take your place.

Don’t worry though. This is normal in leadership. There’s always going to be a replacement for you. Your job is to invest in them.

Puzzle pieces saying Invest In Me

Image by Darcy McMarcy

Why Invest In The Next Generation Of Leaders?

This may sound crazy to you if you’ve been raised in the old-school of leadership. Where everyone is out for themselves or the company only.

Leadership is changing. Leadership is moving towards creating new leaders and giving them the tools to take the reigns. Get ready to pass the leadership baton.