Convenience Is The Enemy

There are days when I long for my runs with Lok the Vizsla to be easy. I don’t want to feel like I taxed my body or pushed myself further than I thought I could go. I want my runs to be convenient.

We are trapped by our desire for convenience

Photo by Mitchel Lensink

And yet my runs aren’t convenient. Running can take away time from my wife or with friends. Running takes extra energy and effort. Going for a run may even require me to get wet or cold or too hot. There’s nothing convenient about running.

But I wouldn’t change this fact for anything. Convenience sounds nice, in theory. Yet if running were convenient, it wouldn’t stretch me and make me stronger. My muscles wouldn’t grow and I wouldn’t lose weight. I wouldn’t feel the accomplishment of finishing a half marathon.

Do you long for convenience in your leadership? You may want to rethink bringing convenience into the way you lead.

The (Not So) Secrets To Finding Opportunity

Listening to those around you, you see people have lost the hope of finding opportunity. They think America is no longer ripe with the chance to succeed.

You’ll hear excuse after excuse. You might even hear some blamed tossed in along the way.

People are bemoaning the fact that there’s no opportunity to be found.

You can find opportunity anywhere

Let me tell you something. Those people telling you there’s no opportunity, they are wrong. DEAD WRONG.

Our world offers plenty of opportunity. But only for those who seek it.

The Secret To Finding Opportunities

I want to share with you where I believe, and have found, opportunity to lie.

Hard Work: Opportunities are often disguised as hard work. You have to dig and seek to find opportunities, but they’re there.

Much like mining for gold, you will seek and seek and seek. Some days you’ll hit a nugget of gold. Other days, you’ll strike out.