Choose What To Be Serious About

Being Taken Seriously

Every leader wants to be taken seriously. They also want to have a little bit of fun along the way. I mean, who doesn’t want to enjoy the work they do?

Being serious all of the time gets tiresome. You also begin to become a bore. You don’t want that.

Man in a suit jacket looking at a computer and holding his chin

Photo by Bruce Mars

Instead, you need to learn how to choose what to be serious about and how to lead in those times. The great news is, you can do this. You can have serious times and you can have fun times.

Choose What To Be Serious About

Knowing when and where to be serious is the key to having fun while leading. It can also be a struggle to know when to switch on your fun side and when to shut it off.

This is what we’re going to discuss today.

How To Handle Conflict In Leadership

Conflicts arise in every relationship. Whether it’s conflict with your spouse, conflict with a friend, or conflict with a team member.

Anger will arise. You’ll want to air your frustrations. You’ll want to kill the relationships.

Instead, I encourage you to deal with the conflict. Learn how to handle conflicts as they come at you.

Image by Louis K.

Image by Louis K.

In most instances, you’ll be able to reconcile and resolve the conflict. This is the ideal solution.

We want conflicts handled quickly and nicely.

If you do is up to you. Let’s first look at:

What Not To Do

Often when we’re faced with conflict, our minds begin to race. Anger can begin to seep in.

Resentment. Hatred. Hurt. Distrust.

These are some of the feelings you’ll probably feel.

What you don’t want to do is focus on these emotions. They’re deadly and will destroy your ability to lead effectively.

7 Mistakes Leaders Should Avoid Making

Bad leaders are rarely born. Rather they slowly edge their way towards the edge. Before you know it, you’re there.

Image by Ed Yourdon

Image by Ed Yourdon

No leader wants to venture into the badlands. Great leaders want to build great teams, complete their visions, and more. But they can’t do that if they’ve been pulled into bad leadership traits.

So that’s what we’re going to talk about. Mistakes leaders make and what they can do to avoid it.

1. Gossiping: Gossip is a weed that spreads like wildfire through an organization. Left untamed it will leave your company in ruins. Don’t buy into the gossip. Stop spreading it and stop those who are.

When you hear gossip, nip it in the bud. Confront the one who’s sharing the “juicy” tidbit. If necessary, let the team member go. Gossip is toxic!