4 Ways We Can Follow Jesus’ Example In Leadership

If you ask me, Jesus’ example is one every leader should follow. What makes Jesus such a great example of leadership?

He’s the ultimate leader. His example is one we should all follow but will always fall short of.

In this post, we’re going to look at Jesus’ example and how it relates to our leadership.

4 Ways We Can Follow Jesus’ Example In Leadership

1. Jesus had a mission and vision. You need one too:

When Adam sinned in the Garden Of Eden, the world changed. No longer was there peace on earth. Instead, sin entered the world, and the world fell.

Jesus came for a reason. He had a mission of redeeming the world through his sacrifice. He knew what He had to do. And he did it. Jesus stayed on mission during his time on this planet.

Getting Millennials To Work

Leading Millennials

When you hear the words millennial and work together, you may instantly think about the ways millennials will try to get out of work. You may have a negative connotation towards millennials that skews your idea of how their work ethic is.

We need to break this mindset. Millennials are not lazy. They are not looking for ways to get out of work, well… any more than you or I would. And they’re not looking to do the least amount of work to get paid.

3 millennials sitting at a table with laptops

Photo by Helena Lopes

These are some of the big misconceptions about millennials. They’re also wrong.

Getting Millennials To Work

You may be wondering how this can be. How can millennials really want to work when the media has told us that they don’t? That’s a good question.

The truth is the media has misled people about the work ethic of millennials. Their work ethic is as strong as yours and mine.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From The Live Action Lion King

A Reel Leadership Article

I can’t tell you how excited I was to see the new, live-action Lion King movie. The Lion King was a favorite movie of mine and to see it brought to life seemed like a no-brainer.

Oh… how wrong I was.

Mufasa and Simba on a cliff

The latest Disney animated movie to be brought to life didn’t wow and engage like their previous effort, Aladdin. Instead, Pam and I sat bored in the theater watching this trainwreck of a movie.

The new Lion King felt uninspired and thrown together. Nothing truly caught my attention and I was disappointed because of this.

If you do go and watch the live-action Lion King, know you won’t be in for a great movie. You’ll be in for a great movie made into something mediocre.

Why Fair Isn’t Always Fair

Growing up, we all heard that we had to be fair to others. This meant not getting an extra cookie in the lunch line. Or maybe being fair meant that everyone got the same sized treat. Still, fair could also have meant we all had to take turns singing a silly song in class.

We were taught by making everyone have the same treats or the same amount of time on the ball field or taking turns was the fair thing to do.

Knowing what I know now, I have to say I disagree. Much like I disagreed back then.

This fair mindset often seeps into our leadership. After all, it’s been ingrained into our minds that this is true fairness.

Only once everyone has what everyone else has can the world be fair. The playing field is leveled at this point.

6 Struggles Every Leader Will Face

When you’re chosen or choose to be a leader, you’ll encounter certain roadblocks along the leadership road. We all face them, so fear not. You’re not alone.

Image by Bruce

Image by Bruce

Since you’re not alone, lets start sharing some of our struggles. I’ll start with my list. I’ve come up with a list of 6 leadership struggles every leader will face one day.

  • Unifying the team: With so many different personalities on the team, it can be hard to have team unity. Someone’s always butting heads with another coworker. Learning to unify the team and create a civil working environment is a must.
  • Delegating tasks: There’s the struggle of delegating tasks to team members who may be able to do them better than you. However, when you begin delegating, you show your employees that you have trust in their work. If you want to learn more about delegation, Michael Hyatt has an excellent podcast episode on delegation.