Will It Ever Be Enough?

As I look back on 2019 and a little further back, I see a lot of accomplishments that I’ve have. They range from running a full marathon to paying off our mortgage 16 years early.

There’s also sponsoring our first World Vision child, Moorosi. Or running my fastest 25K in the Riverbank Run. Or there’s the travel Pam and I have done.

It was a great year. Don’t get me wrong. I’m so happy and excited for the things Pam and I have done in our personal and professional lives.

Yet… there’s something more. There’s this feeling like I’m not doing enough. Or I’m not enough.

Life always feels like there needs to be just a little bit more. Then I’ll have made it. Or then I’ll have everything I’ve ever dreamed of.

Life isn’t that simple.

4 Thoughts On Having Enough

American society is constantly pushing the notion that we don’t have enough.

We don’t have enough accolades. We don’t have enough friends/family. We don’t have enough money.

Do we really have enough?

I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of this attitude. Most of us have more than we know what to do with.

Our problem is no longer not having enough. It’s having too much.

We Have Enough

When I look back on the last 11 years of my life, it’s been a wild ride.

I’ve had times of gainful employment and not so gainful employment. The same goes for my wife.

We’ve had times where money wasn’t a problem. Then money was a problem.

But, even during those scarce times, we had more than enough to make due.

Food was always on the table. We had clothes on our backs. We were even able to feed our dogs.