4 Ways Complacency Will Damage Your Organization

Every leader wants to see their organizations become successful. There’s a problem that comes along with success:


That’s when you reach a level of self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies. You no longer feel that urgent need to be on top of things.

Don't let complacency kill your organization

This is a scary place to be. You’re satisfied with where you are. You no longer pay attention to the dangers surrounding you. You’re vulnerable and don’t even know it.

How do I know this? Because I was there. Recently in fact.

One of my responsibilities is to maintain our system network and it’s backups. I’d checked and rechecked our system backups. They were good.

Then I stopped checking. That’s when things got bad. A perfect storm hit.

First, I was told we may have been infected with a virus. I checked and confirmed this. We were hit with the Locky ransomware.