5 Tips For Leading Through Change And Uncertainty

Every leader knows that there will be change and uncertainty in their organization. It could be an organizational restructuring, moving, or a global pandemic. You never know what you’re going to face when you lead.

Yet, you can lead through the most challenging situations and change. 

You won’t know everything you will have to do or the decisions you’ll have to make. Sometimes, you’ll make the wrong decision or something won’t go right.

That’s okay. You can still lead.

And here’s how you can lead through change and uncertainty with confidence.

5 Tips For Leading Through Change And Uncertainty

Leading through change and uncertainty isn’t easy. It will test you because you won’t know the following five steps. You may only know the next one or two. You will have to step out in faith. Here’s how you do that.

Making Difficult Decisions With Confidence And Integrity

You’re a leader. You have to make the difficult decisions within your organization. These are the decisions that weigh heavy on your conscious.

Some of these weighty decisions could be:

  • Whether or not to do rolling layoffs in the midst of an economic downturn
  • Releasing an employee for a moral or ethical failure
  • Closing the doors of your organization
  • Standing firm in your beliefs

Each of these decisions requires you to be bold, strong, and courageous. Each of these decisions can also hurt someone else. That’s what makes these decisions so weighty…

There’s a consequence behind the decision.


As a leader, it’s your responsibility to make these tough decisions. You must search deep in your soul and choose the right actions to take.

Not everyone will like your decisions. You will have to live with them. But they’re yours to own.

Why Every Leader Needs A Hobby

With so much of our day spent dealing with the problems that arise from leading others, it is easy to think you don’t have time for a hobby. It’s a fallacy many leaders fall into. Failing to have a hobby is also one of the reasons many leaders stumble and face burnout.

I was reminded of this as I listened to Adam Grant’s new book Power Moves. In it, one of the Davos attendees he talks to David Solomon, the CEO of Goldman Sachs.

Person fishing in a lake with a silver and black fishing pole

Photo by Alan BishopDavid Solomon isn’t the straight-laced CEO you might think of when you think of Goldman Sachs. Outside of work, David spends his free time on his hobby: DJing at clubs and events. He goes by the name of DJ D-Sol and rocks clubs all around the world.

He found an outlet for the stress of his job. Using his hobby of DJing, he is able to relax and decompress to avoid burnout.

The Benefits Of Speaking Up

The Speak Up! Series

There you sit. Your head is down and you’re not offering your opinion. You’re quiet and waiting for the meeting to be over.

You have this nagging feeling you should speak up. You believe you have something to offer. Yet, you just can’t speak up. You stay silent and the meeting ends.

Boxer in red headgear getting a pep talk

Photo by Xuan Nguyen

Exiting the conference room, you have this sense of dread. You believe you should have spoken up but you couldn’t. You didn’t have the power to use your voice.

How many times does something like this have to happen before you and I realize we need to speak up? We need to share our voice with those we lead. If we don’t speak up, are we truly leading?

That’s something you and I have to think about as we stay silent. We may also need to chew on the benefits of speaking up. When we realize what happens when we speak up, we may be more inclined to share our opinions.

Quotes And Leadership Lessons From Captain Marvel

A Reel Leadership Article

The last Marvel Cinematic Universe movie to release before this year’s highly anticipated Avengers: Endgame, released this past Friday. Captain Marvel took to the screen and wowed most audiences.

Starring Brie Larson as Carol Danvers/Vers/Captain Marvel as she struggles to remember exactly who she is. We see Captain Marvel’s struggles, disappointments, and triumphs in the latest Marvel film.

Still of Bie Larson as Captain Marvel movie

Brie Larson as Captain Marvel

For many, this was a movie of triumph. Captain Marvel is the first female-led movie in the Marvel movie universe.

Not only was Captain Marvel a step forward for women in the comic book to movie world. Captain Marvel is also a great movie for leaders. There are many Reel Leadership lessons and quotes in Captain Marvel leaders will be able to apply to their work life.