Make Seasonal Decisions

Living in Michigan, we can get the full brunt of each season.

Winters can be brutally cold. Summer can be brutally hot and humid. Fall sees extreme color change. And in Spring we see great new growth.

Each season is unique. Each season also requires unique clothing, driving abilities, etc…

We have to make decisions based on the seasons of our lives

Seasonal Choices

As the seasons change, we begin to change the clothes we wear. From the heavy and warm winter clothes to the light and cool clothing choices of summer, there’s a different way to choose your clothes.

We also choose to drive differently in the varying seasons. In Summer, it’s much easier to drive fast. In Winter, we tend to drive slower.

Our decisions are based on the season of the year.

We also do this in our lives. We make choices based on what season of life we perceive ourselves to be in.