Why You Should Embrace Change

Leading Through Change

I can hear your groans as I type this. Why, oh why, should I embrace change?

Change is difficult. Change is yucky. And change means things will be different.

You’re correct on all of those accounts. I won’t deny change is difficult, yucky, or even different. Change can be all of those things.

man and woman hugging in a field

Photo by Allef Vinicius

But change is also good. Change brings life and newness to your organization.

Why You Should Embrace Change

Change brings life:

That’s the first reason you should embrace change. Change will help your organization evolve and grow.

When I think of this, I think of what Ken Harrison is doing with the Christian men’s ministry of Promise Keepers. I heard Ken speak at Barn Base Camp in August.

He shared about his life. Then he shared about Promise Keepers and what they’re doing.

Things Are Changing, Changing, Changing

Leading Through Change

Yup, you heard me right. Things Are Changing, Changing, Changing…

On this blog. In your world. Everywhere around you.

Change is constantly happening. You cannot stop change. You can only try to hold off change for so long before it overcomes you.

Ripples across water

Photo by Linus Nylund

That’s okay. You and I need to learn how to be okay with a constantly changing world. If we’re not, we will get left behind and we soon won’t recognize the world we’re in.

Even with embracing change, you may not recognize the world. Change happens and it happens fast.

Things Are Changing, Changing, Changing

Things are changing. We know that. We have to live with this truth. But what is changing?

In the broadest sense, everything is changing. Your

  • Business is changing. New customers are coming. Old customers are leaving. What you do in business has been tweaked. How you do business is different. Your business is changing.

Helping Your Team Navigate Changes

Leading Through Change

Change will not only impact you. Your team will be impacted by changes in their lives and in your organization.

Are you prepared to help navigate them through the changes they will face? You better.

Man holding a compass

Photo by Tim Graf

As a leader, you have a responsibility to help them through the changes they will face. They are looking to you for guidance. They are looking to you for assurance things will be okay.

You get to be the strong one. You get to be the one who helps your team navigate change.

But how do you help your team navigate change? What can be done to make change easier on your team?

Great question! Let’s take a look at what you can do to help your team deal with change.

Helping Your Team Navigate Changes

You have a responsibility to your team to help them get through change. They will struggle without your guidance and assistance.

Dealing With Negative Changes

Leading Through Change

Change is coming. Some of the change will be good change. Maybe you’re getting a raise or a promotion. Maybe you’re finally getting married. Or maybe you just paid off your mortgage (if you want to see how long it will take to pay off your mortgage, you can use one of these mortgage calculators).

There are good changes. These changes are the ones that are typically easy to navigate and lead through.

Man in a black, long-sleeved shirt holding his face

Photo by Francisco Moreno

But what happens when there is negative change? What do you do then?

We will all face negative change. This change will challenge you and make you squirm. It’ll tell you that you’re not good enough or you’re not wanted.

Yet you can navigate through the negative change. YOU can make it through!

Dealing With Negative Changes

Negative changes will come at you hard. They’ll make your head spin and wonder what you’re going to do.

How Change Impacts Your Leadership

Leading Through Change

We know change is a constant in our lives and leadership. There’s nothing you can do to stop change from coming your way.


But do you know what change will do to your leadership? How will it impact your leadership?

Street sign with a sunset in the background

Photo by Jaview Allegue Barros

This is the thought every leader needs to keep in the back of their mind as they’re leading through change. You need to think about the implications of change.

They are there. They are real. And they will throw you for a loop if you’re not anticipating change.

How Change Impacts Your Leadership

There are three things change can do to your leadership. Change can positively impact your leadership. Change can negatively impact your leadership. Or change can not impact your leadership at all.