The Missing Leadership Ingredient

Great leaders all have many traits in common. Great leaders are able to cast vision.

They’re also able to inspire others. Not only that, great leaders know how to get the job done.

But there’s one thing aspiring leaders can miss that will hold them back. There’s a missing leadership ingredient every great leader must have.

What leadership ingredient are you missing?

12th Grade Me

Looking back through my grade school years, there’s a handful of teachers that I can remember. There’s even less who had a meaningful impact on my life that I can recall.

One man sticks out. His name? Gibner… Mr. Gibner.

What made Mr. Gibner so memorable? He held the missing ingredient of leadership that holds so many back.

I look back all those years ago and can remember it like yesterday.

My girlfriend had broken up with me. I’d been kicked out of church. And I was highly emotional.

More Important Than A Title

There are leaders who lead by title only.

You know the ones. They push forward through threats of intimidation and power grabs.

No one really likes them. Yet they continue to work for them because of fear.

titles are unimportant, this is

Title Means Nothing

People have had titles bestowed upon them for ages. Sometimes they’re right to give the title. Other times they’re not.

They give a title so someone who’s looking for power or wealth. This person feels entitled and abuses the title.

So much so, others see through the veneer. And they begin to revolt.

These followers might not tell the leader by title only their thoughts. Rather they may:

Stop working hard

Begin talking behind the leadership’s back

Look for new work

Plot to overthrow the current leader

We can all rule by title. We can’t lead by title alone, though.

4 Actions You Can Take To Become A Better Leader

No leader will ever be perfect. There’s always room for improvement.

And any wise leader will tell you they’re always looking for ways to improve.

Be a better leader

Image via JD Hancock

Those same wise leaders will also tell you there are actions they take on a daily basis that makes them lead better.

They nice thing about these actions, they’re simple things you can do. You just have to implement them.

4 Actions To Lead Better

  1. Listen: Great leaders know there is power in listening to others. Shutting your mouth and opening your ears can pay great dividends.

    When you listen, you’ll hear your team tell you what’s not working in the organization or areas that can be improved. When you listen to your customers, you’ll hear new product ideas and pain points you can attend to.

    Listening opens up new possibilities to your leadership. Open your ears and hear the difference.

7 Ways To Let People Know You Care About Them

Theodore Roosevelt once said

People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care

Care for others, not like this

The more I’ve led, the more I’ve discovered this truth. When we were leading young students, this especially came into play.

With troubles at home, issues at school, and a general disdain for authority, they struggled with listening to those in a position of power. That is, until you showed them you cared about their life.

So, what can you do to show people you care? I think the following 7 actions demonstrate an attitude of caring towards others.

1. Ask pertinent questions: People love to talk about themselves. So ask questions that relate to their lives and their interests.

By asking questions around their likes and desires, you open up a channel of communication and this shows that you care about them not only as an employee but also as a person.

Wave Your Hands Like You Just Don’t Care?

My mind keeps wandering back to the song Word Up! by Cameo. The lyrics, wave your hands like you just don’t care, are drawing me in as I write this.

I don’t care today. My actions are showing how I feel.

And it’s not pretty.

Who doesn't care?

Image by Mike Baird

While I say this, I’m not sure it’s the truth. Do I really not care? Or is there something deeper, darker going on?

We all have days where we’re trapped in a funk. We feel like we just don’t care. We don’t want to deal with anyone.

You’ve been there, right? I’m not all alone here, am I?

Good, that’s what I thought.

When we’re in the position of “not caring,” we’re in a dangerous position. Our feelings betray us and tell us it’s okay to act out.