Why You Need To Take Small Steps

For those of you who have children, you know there’s a special day every parent anticipates and dreads. It’s a day of great joy. It’s a day of great fear. That day? The day your child takes his or her first small step.

You sit back and cheer him on. You tell him he’s doing great. Just a little bit further. He only needs to take a baby step for you to have your world change.

What if I told you that you need to begin to take baby steps? Would that excite you like seeing your child take her first steps?

Baby steps are the steps to success

Probably not. You’d think tiny steps forward in business are not for you. They’re definitely not exciting.

Yet these small steps are what we need to be doing.

Why Small Steps Rock

You have lofty goals. I know you do. You’re the kind of leader who wants to change the world.