4 Ways To Connect With Other Leaders

There’s a power that is unleashed when we connect with others, whether they’re in our industry or not. By creating a relationship with other leaders, we can potentially extend our networks to untold numbers.

And yet many of us struggle with connecting with other leaders, especially introverts who can have social anxiety. That’s why I want to share today 4 ways we can connect with other leaders (And this includes ways even introverts can apply).

There's power in connection

Image by JD Hancock

Who here likes to connect with others? Going out, making friendships, getting to know others? I’m imagining those hands you’re raising. I’m also picturing those who are cringing at the thought of initiating a conversation with a new person or getting in front of a crowd.

Daunting, I know. Connecting with new people can zap a lot of your energy.

Thankfully, there are ways we can connect with other leaders that don’t require us to take huge risks. We can take small actions that add up to big results.

1. Share their content: This has to be one of the easiest ways to connect with other leaders. Take a few minutes and share the content someone else has created.

Use Twitter or Facebook or LinkedIn or even on your own blog. There’s tons of places you can share the good news others are putting out there.

Whenever I see someone has tweeted or posted a link to my content, it makes me giddy. And I want to connect with them.

It might be a quick thank you or I might try to find a piece of their content to share.

People love it when you help expand their reach. Do it long enough and they’ll recognize your efforts.

2. Comment on their blogs: If sharing content is the easiest way to connect with others, I think leaving comments on their blog is the second easiest.

Take a few minutes after you’ve read an excellent article and leave a little love for the author. Let them know how what they’ve written has, or will help you in the future.

More often than not, the author will even respond to your comment. You’ll get a little one-on-one time from a leadership authority.

3. Go to a leadership conference: This may make introverts shudder but attending a leadership conference is a great way to connect with other leaders.

It is a conference geared towards leaders who are attending in person. Is there a better chance to run into another leader you may admire or hit off a relationship with?

Find something nearby and give it a go. If you’re in the Atlanta area, Catalyst East is a great leadership conference. They also have them in other areas of the country.

Or you might check out the LeaderCast Conference. If you can’t make it to the actual location, they have satellite venues that air the event. The smaller satellite venues might be better for connecting as they’re often more intimate and have a smaller number of attendees.

4. Mail a letter: Do you remember the days of pen-pals? You’d write a letter to someone far away and then wait days, maybe weeks, for a response in your physical mailbox.

There was always a level of excitement in receiving a physical piece of mail. Those days seem long gone but they don’t have to be.

Take the initiative and write a letter or note to a leader you enjoy hearing from. Slap that baby in a real envelope. Stick a stamp on her. And send her into the loving hands of the USPS.

While leaders are receiving hundreds of emails a day, they’re receiving only a handful of physical letters.

Having something physical in their hands also makes you a bit more real. It leaves an impression on the receiver.

Give it a shot. All you’ve got to lose is a couple of cents and the time it took to write the letter.

Connecting as a leader is vital to your continued success. Don’t discount the power behind connection.

Step out of your comfort zone and give it a whirl. You may be surprised at how easy connecting with other leaders really is.

Question: How are you connecting with other leaders? Please share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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